So I know (by trying it out) that you can copy Steam game files from one PC to another and make the game run with the copied files. This is a different issue than merely copying game files (which has been answered many times), because no answers I've found on here are applicable and will work:
Today I bought Borderlands 2, which my brother already has installed. When I tried to just copy the game files over to my PC, I noticed there was no Borderlands folder anywhere in SteamApps
and its subdirectories, but only a folder called 49520
inside SteamAppsdownloading
Can turn it into a steam cloud with fire or into an ice surface with ice. Download this file, run it, and then point it to your Divinity: Original Sin.
So I tried just copying the game files to that folder while Steam was closed, started Steam again, and... nothing. It just went on downloading the game like there were no new files inside that folder.
Is there anything to do about this?
To copy Steam game files from another computer to save you having to download the full game, simply do the following;
Just a quick thing, before you restart Steam after copying the files, you MAY wish to copy the relevant Appmanifest_xxxx.acf file too, where the x's are a number specific to each product on Steam. to find out WHICH appmanifest file is the one for the game you're using, visit the game's page on and you'll notice the URL has a number as the last part of it.
For example, Dark Souls 2's page is ... that 236430 will correspond to a file in steam/steamapps/ called 'Appmanifest_236430.acf' . Copy that into the same directory on YOUR PC, so for example D:/games/Steam/Steamapps/ or whatever your steam location is. It goes in Steamapps, NOT in steamapps/common and NOT in the same directory for the game either. That is important.
THEN you should be able to open steam, tell it to download, then verify the installation. and you should be hunky-dory.
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